Our Journey

President Jokowi asked APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Indonesia to Contribute to Indonesia and Set Global Example
Indonesia Impact Fund is an initiative of ABAC Indonesia which aims to enhance Public-Private Partnership between Indonesian government and the third generation business leaders.
Commencement of Indonesia Impact Fund at ABAC II Jakarta Meeting, April 2019
ABAC Indonesia, currently chaired by Anindya N. Bakrie, together with its members, Shinta W. Kamdani and Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, commenced the plan at ABAC II Jakarta Meeting in April 2019. Later on, John Riady - an alternate ABAC Indonesia member joined in the fund development.
Partnership with UNDP and Mandiri Capital Indonesia
In September 2019, ABAC Indonesia represented by Shinta W. Kamdani announced a strategic partnership with UNDP at the UN General Assembly in New York. ABAC Indonesia appointed Mandiri Capital Indonesia, the venture capital arm of Bank Mandiri, the second largest state-owned bank in Indonesia as Indonesia Impact Fund’s manager.
Enhancing Partnership with Indonesian Private and State-Owned Enterprises
ABAC Indonesia appointed Arsjad Rasjid, the Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the Advisory Board Chair in September 2021 to strengthen the fund’s engagement with Indonesian private enterprises. Moving forward, we hope to collaborate with more Indonesian private and State-Owned Enterprises, as a pioneering vehicle to foster sustainable business ecosystem in Indonesia, and as a bridge to advance Indonesia’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flow.
Enhancing Partnership with Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises
ABAC Indonesia member, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo coincidentally has also been appointed as the Vice Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia. We hope these will strengthen our partnership with State-Owned Enterprises, as a pioneering vehicle to foster sustainable business ecosystem in Indonesia, and as a bridge to advance Indonesia’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flow.
Strategic Collaboration with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ABAC Indonesia appointed Arsjad Rasjid, the Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the Advisory Board Chair in September 2021 to access a large pool of investors and stakeholders as well as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).